Program Chair

Vincent Roca
Franck Rousseau

Steering Committee

Hans Scholten,
Twente University,
The Netherlands

Zdzislaw Papir,
AGH University of Technology, Poland

Edmundo Monteiro,
University of Coimbra,

Roberto Canonico,
University of Napoli Federico II, Italy

Laurent Mathy,
Lancaster University,
United Kingdom

Marten van Sinderen,
Twente University,
The Netherlands

Fernando Boavida,
University of Coimbra,

Girgio Ventre,
University of Napoli Federico II, Italy

Important Dates

Paper submission

June 1st, 2004

Notification of acceptance

July 26th, 2004

Camera ready version

September 5th, 2004

Past history and scope of the Workshop

Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems (IDMS) and Protocols for Multimedia Systems (PROMS) have been two successful series of international events bringing together researchers, developers and practitioners from academia and industry in all areas of multimedia systems. These two workshops have successfully merged in 2003 and now constitute the MIPS workshop. MIPS 2004 is intended to contribute to scientific, strategic and practical advances in the area of distributed multimedia applications, protocols, and intelligent management tools, with emphasis on their provision over novel network architectures. MIPS 2004 will consist of a two days and a half technical program, plus a full day of tutorials. Papers should describe innovative and significant work. They will be reviewed by the Program Committee and included in the workshop proceedings, which will be published by Springer-Verlag as part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

Topics of Interest

Mobile & wireless multimedia systems - Multimedia middleware - Multimedia communication protocols - Quality of Service issues - Resource management for multimedia services - Active and programmable networking for multimedia applications - Multimedia-specific mobile agents - Multimedia distribution and transport - Multimedia traffic engineering - Multimedia service engineering - Ubiquitous computing in multimedia environments - Networked audio-video devices - Development tools for distributed multimedia applications - Multimedia applications: video-on-demand, digital video libraries, video games, virtual community, teleworking, teleteaching, e-commerce, virtual reality simulations - Performance of multimedia protocols and applications: modeling, simulation and optimisation in different networks - Multimedia content management - Multimedia service access - Security in multimedia systems, authentication, privacy, watermarking - Accounting and tariff policing for multimedia teleservices - Multimedia encoding and compression - Standards (e.g. MPEG) and related issues

Conference Location

MIPS 2004 will be held in Grenoble, France, more precisely in the Castle of Sassenage, 5 kilometers away from downtown Grenoble.

Paper Submissions

Authors are invited to submit papers in PDF or Postscript format through the workshop website.

Submitted papers must describe original work not submitted elsewhere. Papers must not be longer than 12 single-spaced pages. Papers should contain an abstract of approximately 300 words, and include title, authors and affiliations. Final versions of accepted papers must be structured according to Springer's instructions.

Best student paper award

A jury will select the best student paper, on the basis of both the quality of the written paper and of the presentation at the workshop. The winner will be awarded a prize donated by one of the workshop sponsors.


MIPS 2004 will feature one day of half-day tutorials covering single topics in detail. Proposals should be sent to the Tutorial Chair and must include an extended abstract containing a description of the topic, the intended audience, and a short bio of the speaker.


Web site: IMAG or INRIA

Email: IMAG or INRIA

(MIPS 2003 web site)