Scope of the Workshop
Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems (IDMS) and Protocols for Multimedia Systems (PROMS) have been two successful series of international events that successfully merged in 2003 and now constitute MIPS. MIPS 2004 is intended to contribute to scientific, strategic and practical advances in the area of distributed multimedia applications, protocols, and intelligent management tools, with emphasis on their provision over novel network architectures.
Call for Posters and Demos
Room has been reserved during the event for BOTH A POSTER SESSION AND A DEMONSTRATION SESSION.
Posters are good opportunities to introduce work on progress and preliminary results, and get valuable feedback from the community.
Demos are also good opportunities to make your work and achievements known to the community in a complementary way. In particular, when applicable and feasible, the authors of accepted papers are kindly invited to participate in this demo session. Yet anybody can submit a proposal. You are responsible of bringing whatever you may need for a live (or recorded) demo. Yet, if you have special needs, tell us so that we see if a solution is possible. We do believe in working tools, open source or not, and hope this initiative will drive interest and be fruitfull to everybody.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest are the same as those of the call for papers and can be found on the web site.
The interested students/researchers/industrials for either a poster or a demo are invited to contact the organizers, providing a PS/PDF document (format is free) containing:
- the author(s) name;
- a title;
- a one page extended summary (in case of a poster) or description (in case of a demo).
There is no formal submission deadline, but the sooner the better, since there will be a limitation due to practical reasons. All accepted posters/demos will be listed in the web site, along with their one page description.
Please note that 20 grants of 750 Euros each will be allocated to MIPS'04 participants on the express condition they belong to an institute which is part of the E-NEXT consortium (see the MIPS 2004 web site for further information).
(MIPS 2003 web site)