MIPS 2004
After MIPS 2003 in Napoli, Italy, MIPS will be held in Grenoble, France. The conference will take place at the Château de Sassenage.
This event is supported by the E-NEXT European FP6 Network of Excellence.
Twenty (20) grants of 750 Euros each will be allocated to MIPS'04 participants
on the express condition they belong to an institute which is part of the
E-NEXT consortium.
To apply for this grant, please download and fill-in the following
form [PDF,
which can also be found at E-NEXT BSCW.
The detailed instructions are attached to the form.
Note that a proof of attendance will be asked before the funds
are transferred to the grantee's institution.
The deadline to apply for a grant is October 22nd, 2004.
Proceedings are published by Springer-Verlag as Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3311. Available online: information, online version.
For further information please contact Vincent Roca or Franck Rousseau.